Are you preparing for your very first semester in a nursing program and aren’t sure what to pack? Or perhaps you’re a teacher hoping to provide your nursing students with the very best resources and equipment. Check out these five nursing student must-haves for nursing school.

A Dependable Laptop

A dependable laptop is perhaps the most important item for nursing students. Nearly all classes require computer access. Additionally, a laptop provides an incredibly efficient method for recordkeeping, collaborating with others, and conducting research. Thankfully, you don’t need to break the bank to find a suitable nursing school laptop—any PC with an internet connection and access to writing and presentation programs is enough to get the job done. Students should expect to pay around 300 to 600 dollars for the most affordable options.

General School Supplies

Of course, every great student—regardless of their discipline—requires general school supplies. It’s important to remember simple items like pens, pencils, notebooks, and day planners when packing for your first semester of nursing school. Conversely, universities and healthcare programs should always have extra writing utensils and recordkeeping resources available for students and staff.

General Nursing Equipment

Along with general school supplies, students and nursing programs must have the proper equipment on hand to ensure a successful education. Nursing equipment includes specialized, industry-specific items, such as clinical tools (stethoscopes, scissors, hemostats, etc.) and sanitary wristwatches. Nursing programs must provide students with medical clipboards designed specifically for healthcare recordkeeping applications.

Proper Nursing Uniforms

Most nursing schools enforce a strict uniform policy for their healthcare students. Sometimes, the program itself provides nursing uniforms or includes the cost in tuition, but the majority of universities don’t offer official clothing. Therefore, many nursing students are responsible for purchasing their own uniforms, which often consist of specifically colored scrubs, compression socks, undershirts, and lightweight and comfortable sneakers.

Essential Literature & Additional Resources

Despite our increasingly virtual world, there are plenty of books that every nursing student needs for school. Drug handbooks are helpful for identifying a vast array of medications and studying for pharmacology courses. Your university might recommend purchasing drug flashcards and dosage books as additional learning resources, although this information is also available online. Most importantly, every student must have a medical dictionary.

Consider these five nursing student must-haves for nursing school, whether you’re attending a program soon or teaching one yourself.